Monday, May 21, 2012

It's so quiet

It's so quiet now. is really quiet. Anyway i talked to a guy in the park the other day. Was smoking there at night. Kinda always loved to sit there alone and have a smoke. I went there after meeting my friend. Was quite frustrated cause he is really an ass hole. I despise guys who never wants to level down a little percentage of ego to apologize. I have zero respect for guys like that. Then a guy who i thought was a beggar who is lying down two bench away said excuse me. Then ask for a cigarette. So i pass it to him and he sat down beside me. His feet smells like my dog's three weeks wee pad.  I said nothing to be polite but he apologizes and explain that he was walking in his shoes the whole day and he just changed it to his sandals. Then he says he is going back tomorrow but didn't want to spend on Hotels. So he can't wash. Hmm...i smiled and said it's not bothering me.
We then continue to chat for like hours. It's like talking to a wise men. His words calms me down. Something he said that's enlightening.... ... Eliminate anger and problem thoughts in seconds. Always think of solutions instead of dwelling on the problems.  


  1. bitch stop smoking, okthxbye! :) always think of stop smoking instead of smoking then you wont smoke liao... lol.. doesnt make sense.. laalalallalalalalala

    1. Bitch??? You don't sleep do you?? hmm..zz..err..doesn't..zzz...make.... zzzz..zzzzz....sorry fell asleep. Doesn't make sense? Hehhee.....kinda does. Anyway yes boss i will think of stop smoking all the time. :)

    2. i just realize i like the song thats played at the back... very soothing.. haha.. i dont really care about the lyrics but yea. i like.. i call everyone bitch... erm.. sorry arr dont be offended really sorry... eeeeeeeeeeee.... and dont call me boss, im younger than you and i ang mo, boss only applies in malaysian mamak.. so yea.. :) call me mate or flower or petal or duck... the local slang here.. muacks!

    3. Hy petals...... yeah thats why i were never abl to change the song. Whn it plays automatically then i'm stuck to it. You know how many days i wanted to change but couldn't kaakka....... or maybe duck? hehhehe...but you are petals are fine. Right?

  2. awwww that's so nice! n random!

    I think the thing is u never know what kind of advice and things and experience u can get from ppl u never expect to get =)

    the best thing is to respect everyone, n treat them equally = )

    1.'s kinda nice. Somewhat pleasant. :) You too haven't sleep? Well rest well aight....

  3. oh this, maybe i should a pack of cig in my that i can offer to ppl and strike a convo XD

    like we always get taught but never follow, don't judge a book by its cover =)

    1. ahhaha...i have been hanging out there for two years. This is actually the only proper conversation i had with a human there so far. smoking okay..bad for health. aiks!! ;)

  4. wow... "Eliminate anger and problem thoughts in seconds. Always think of solutions instead of dwelling on the problems"

    How deep is that? herm... Thanks

    1. hahaha...actually it's very true. I notice my friend always seems to dwell over the same problem over and over again. Today would be more than two years he broke up with his ex and he is still telling me about new thoughts on it. One day he is at fault and then the next day it's his ex's fault . Hmmm....when is this gonna end? Airksss.....
