Tuesday, September 5, 2017


I wonder if anyone still reads these blogs. When im sad? These blogs are the ones i would think of. Somehow writing OUT stuff, does carries out some sorrows.

Remember there is this best friend of mine that i unfriend from my Facebook? He is an obnoxiously self centered. ASSHOLE.  He went studying in UK and came back recently. I really don't understand. Why someone so brutally hated by all his friends could come back looking all beautiful???? He came back looking better than ever. His skin is beautiful. He who is one year my senior, now looks years younger than me.
He is like THE fruit of desire wherever he goes. Even his Grindr list are like from the elite model list. Ive never seen those guys appear around me or in my grindr at all. Its definitely not botox or surgery. All he does was gym and he has a killer body now. Looking all sharp and dapper. My only consolation is that he walks like he is trying to keep a ping pong ball in between his arse cheeks, from falling.

Yes i know his hard work paid off. But im really (kinda) hurt by all that he is getting. He is an ass. Bad attitude and a show off. Me on the other hand are getting no where by being all good. Its things like that that test your faith isn't it?? Well im not about to let go. I did start to work harder (loosing my tummy) I have a face that cant change anything unless i go for a surgery.

For fuck sake. I want a boyfriend. I want to just settle down. How is it possible that i never had a boyfriend at 36. Where else he gets 36 fucks a week????  LIFE IS JUST UNFAIR.