I started work two weeks ago. Went into my brother in-law's advertising company. Wasn't really happy about it cause, at first i was told to be there to learn. But now i have a position. An actual position. Felt like i was being tricked. He and his partner made me a project manager. Yeah i know i have experience managing a group of people but that doesn't means that i can do the same here. It's two very different world. If i am a chef who specialize in Indian cooking that doesn't mean i know how to handle a Japanese Kitchen!!
Anyway i do realize that i am also lucky to get such opportunity. It's basically boundless and i have total freedom. Well like i say i have no experience in this line. Zero knowledge about it and i hope i can cope with it.
First week was exciting though. I had fun. Maybe because the work load hasn't sunk in yet. There are a few gorgeous colleagues. I mean as in hot and attractive. They quickly turned ugly when i get to know them. Work ethic and enthusiasm is next to nothing.
The Haze are getting worst, So drink more water guys and My prayers to MH370.